Population Living Near a Major Grocery Store – Distance

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This layer displays the percentage of population who live near a major supermarket or grocery store. Locations of retailers are based on a subset of locations from the April, 2019 USDA directory of SNAP-authorized retailers.

Locations of SNAP-Authorized Retailers

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This layer displays the locations of SNAP authorized retailers across the US. Data has been updated to reflect stores accepting SNAP as of April, 2019.

On-Time Graduation Rates, 2016-2017

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This layer displays information about the adjusted four-year cohort graduation rate for school-districts and counties in the United States.

FEMA Flood Hazard Zones, 2019

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The Flood Hazard Zones are extracted from the National Flood Hazard Layer, which is a database that contains FEMA’s flood hazard map data.

Locations of Addiction/Substance Abuse Providers

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This layer displays the locations of all addiction or substance abuse providers with a CMS National Provider Identifier (NPI). Addiction or substance abuse providers include MDs, DOs, and other credentialed professionals specializing substance abuse treatment, rehabilitation, addiction medicine, or providing … Continued

Locations of Primary Care Physicians

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This layer displays the locations of all primary care physicians with a CMS National Provider Identifier (NPI). Primary care physicians are those MDs or DOs specializing in family practice, general practice, pediatric medicine, or internal medicine. Data are from the … Continued