Flooding Frequency (Dominant Condition)
Flooding Frequency, based on soil characteristics, has been updated to the October 2019 NRCS SSURGO data release. Note there is a change to the legend used to depict the data in this update.
Flooding Frequency, based on soil characteristics, has been updated to the October 2019 NRCS SSURGO data release. Note there is a change to the legend used to depict the data in this update.
The 8-Digit Hydrologic Units, a component of the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), depict the fourth level hydrologic subdivision of the United States. A hydrologic unit can accept surface water from upstream drainage areas and may define a drainage area with … Continued
The 10-Digit Hydrologic Units, a component of the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), depict the fifth level hydrologic subdivision of the United States. A hydrologic unit can accept surface water from upstream drainage areas and may define a drainage area with … Continued
The 12-Digit Hydrologic Units, a component of the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), depict the sixth level hydrologic subdivision of the United States. A hydrologic unit can accept surface water from upstream drainage areas and may define a drainage area with … Continued
The 2-Digit Hydrologic Units, a component of the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), depict the major water resource regions of the United States. A water resource region is the first level of classification used by the United States Geological Survey to … Continued
The 4-Digit Hydrologic Units, a component of the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), depict the second level hydrologic subdivision of the United States. A 4-digit hydrologic unit includes the area drained by a river system, a reach of a river and … Continued
The 6-Digit Hydrologic Units, a component of the Watershed Boundary Dataset (WBD), depict the third level hydrologic subdivision of the United States. A 6-digit hydrologic unit may subdivide a 4-digit hyrologic unit or may be equivalent. There are 401 6-digit … Continued
Forest Productivity – Top Species/Tree Types depicts the most productive tree species or type based on soil characteristics.
Surface Percent Organic Matter shows the percentage of the surface layer of soil that is comprised of plant and animal residue.
Surface Texture is based on the composition of sand, silt, and clay in the surface layer of soil based on the standard soil triangle definition.