Power Plants
This layer shows the location of eletricty gernerating power-plants in the U.S., the total capacity of each plant, and the primary fuel source.
This layer shows the location of eletricty gernerating power-plants in the U.S., the total capacity of each plant, and the primary fuel source.
This feature class/shapefile represents electric power plants. Power plants are all the land and land rights, structures and improvements, boiler or reactor vessel equipment, engines and engine-driven generators, turbo generator units, accessory electric equipment, and miscellaneous power plant equipment are … Continued
This layer shows the location of eletricty gernerating power-plants in the U.S., the total capacity of each plant, and the primary fuel source.
This data set shows the coal fields of Alaska and the conterminous United States. Most of the material for the conterminous United States was collected from James Trumbull’s “Coal Fields of the United States, Conterminous United States” map (sheet 1, … Continued
This layer displays the locations of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Emissions & Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID) sites. The eGRID is a comprehensive source of data on the locations and environmental characteristics of almost all electric power generated in … Continued